Who We Are

Lot 19 Consulting focuses on the intersection of marketing and placemaking. Our approach focuses on a local community's strengths, inspiration, and potential. Our intention is to create and promote spaces that benefit the long-term interests and well-being of residents. As a woman-owned business, we believe that women and a diversity of voices play a critical role in public engagement, community events, and connection with place. We innovate by thinking critically about the way things have been done, listening to ideas and data about what better ways there might be to accomplish goals, and finding the right audiences to target with effective messaging.


Guiding Principles

Be curious
We value that our clients are experts in their fields. We want each project we undertake to be fun and educational for everyone. 

Be collaborative
We strive for input from a diverse group of stakeholders. Through a deeper understanding of end-users we can develop insights and strategies that make a difference in communities. 

Be prepared
We believe that everything takes planning and practice. We believe our best adventures are those that have a big objective that can be measured, worked through, and achieved.

Be transparent
We respect honesty in our work. We aim to report on our successes and failures because doing so enables us to understand, regroup, and recalculate.

  • Renée Leta, MPAff., Founder and Director

    For more than fifteen years, Renée Leta has sought out new ways to communicate through digital media and bring people together to celebrate places using technology and hutzpah.

    Renée enjoys working hand in hand with each of her clients to help them achieve results. Renée brings project management, expert digital acumen, and superior client relationship building to every campaign. Renée has managed digital partnerships with leading vendors and social platforms.

    Renée has been a project lead on statewide projects in Utah such as America250 Utah, More Than A Flag, and Spike 150, a project of the Golden Spike Foundation. She is proud to have worked with clients including Millcreek, Salt Lake County, Utah Education Network, George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Theater, Utah Legal Services, Westport Capital Partners, The Thackeray Company, and the National Association of Industrial Bankers. Renée previously worked in fundraising at the Utah Museum of Natural History at the University of Utah and as a political strategist and community organizer. She also held research positions for Salt Lake County Zoo, Arts and Parks and the U.S. Congressional Research Services.

    She holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication and a Master of Public Affairs with an emphasis in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Management from the University of Texas at Austin (“Hook ‘em Horns!”). Renée currently serves on the marketing and fundraising committee for KUER FM 90.1, Utah’s NPR radio affiliate.